Odessa grains or globuli in Odessa.


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Ãîìåîïàòèÿ è ãîìåîïàòè÷åñêàÿ àïòåêà â Îäåññå Homeopathy and Homeopathic Pharmacy in Odessa
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As a result, another Society - Odessa Hahnemann Society (OHS) counting 148 members was formed in Odessa in June, 1898. On June, 8 (20), 1898 the Regulation of Odessa Hahnemann Society was ratified by Ministry of internal affairs, founded in memory of S.Hahnemann, on the occasion of 100-anniversary of the publication of his first work on homoeopathy. The clauses of the Regulation were as followers:
1. Aim of the Society;
2. Composition of the Society;
3. Facilities of the Society;
4. Management of the Society;
5. Auditing commission;
6. Medical department;
7. General meetings;

8. Rights and duties of the Society. Official establishments of Odessa Hahnemann Society were:
a) homoeopathic pharmacy;
b) hospital for outpatients;
c) chemo-bacteriological consulting-room;
g) a journal “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”.

The basic directions of activity of Odessa Hahnemann Society were charity and scientific-practical work. To achieve these aims the Society:
1) opens - each time by permission of the special authority and with the exact observance of all laws in force and orders of Government on the given subject – homoeopathic out-patient clinics, pharmacies and hospitals, where patients could get the medical aid and medications for moderate payment, and the poor - free of charge;
2) tries to spread a correct outlook on Hahnemann method of treatment among public by books and journals and special library, and
3) gets engaged in scientific development of medical method of the doctor S. Hahnemann

At the meeting of members-founders of OHS lieutenant-general D.A. Gofman was elected a chairman (not being a doctor), a secretary and treasurer was I.M. Lutsenko, who was holding these positions to the end of his life (he was shot up in 1919 as social and political public figure). Sanctification and opening of OHS pharmacy and out-patient clinic took place (Khersonskaya street, 52) on January, 19(31), 1899. By the end of the first year of activity the Society consisted of 149 members, and there were 156 members in 1900. Only 15 of them were doctors and pharmacists who made up the medical department of OHS. The activity of medical department was carried out both in management of the hospital and pharmacy of the society and at public meetings with reports on homeopathy. OHS published a number of brochures on homoeopathy, greater part of which was written by I.M. Lutsenko. We should especially mark the translation into Russian of books on pharmakodynamics by E.-A. Farrington (Ernst A. Farrington, 1847-1885) made by I.M. Lutsenko, “Homoeopathic clinical pharmacology. A course of lectures delivered at Hahnemann medical college in Philadelphia”. These lectures in his translation had been publishing by separate parts for many years in the journal “Doctor-homoeopath”, and then “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”. In 1910 the book was published in Odessa, as a separate edition of OHS. The book contained 840 pages (in the edition of 1910), it gave description of about 600 different remedies; it was republished in I.M. Lutsenko translation in Moscow in 1936 by the Society of homoeopaths of RSFSR, and in Kiev in 1992.

In 1900-1901 a chemical-bacteriological consulting room was opened at a hospital, and systematic courses on medicine were organized, aimed at acquaintance of the Society members and public with the essence of illnesses, and treatment of them by a homoeopathic method.

Ye.Ya. Dyukov (who practiced in Kharkov, Odessa and Horol of Poltava province) was the honoured doctor of the Society, the founder and editor (in 1900-1903 ) of “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”, the author of articles and brochures on homoeopathy, the first translator of E Nesh guidance, the author of translation of “Reference book of a homoeopath” of doctor Clark, secretary of the first All-Russian congress of the homoeopathy followers. The medical department of the Society was headed by Ivan Mitrofanovich Lutsenko, the head doctor of the Odessa homoeopathic hospital, since 1903 he was the editor-in-chief of “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”. Dr I.M. Lutsenko, together with Saint Petersburg Society of homoeopathy followers, worked on acceptance of uniform method of preparation of homoeopathic remedies at the pharmacies of different cities of the Russian state. Ivan Mitrofanovich was actively engaged in public activity, he was invited to deliver lectures on popular medicine in Odessa theological seminary, because homoeopathy was acknowledged by the clergy to be the priority method of medical treatment. Of 69 lectures presented by the medical department for 5 years of the Society activity, 59 were written by doctor I.M. Lutsenko.
The medical department of the Society consisted of general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists, veterinaries. The persons bringing in no less than 30 roubles were simultaneously included to be the members of the Society, and those bringing in 100 roubles became the honoured members. By February, 1903 166 persons were the actual members of the Society. The transfers of costs by doctors and public figures not only for own regional organizations but also for professional associations in other provinces were the interesting feature of development of homoeopathic Societies in the Russian Empire. Here we should mention Nikolay Fedorovsky, YeEvgraf Dyukov, the Boyanus family.

Doctors of Odessa Hahnemann Society rendered medical aid to the population in the hospital for outpatients and during receptions at the homoeopathic pharmacy. All activity of homoeopathic services was of charitable character - more than two third of patients’ visits were free of charge in Kharkov and Odessa. Medications by the prescriptions of Hahnemann Societies were given with 25 per cent discount. Considerable aid to the population was given by homoeopaths during the epidemics of cholera, typhoid and diphtheria. The collection of Odessa Hahnemann Society assigned 200 roubles on publishing brochures about homoeopathic treatment of cholera and on its delivery to the rural priests, squires and all town councils, where cholera was. The brochure enclosed a list of homoeopathic pharmacies. A death rate in homoeopathic treatment of cholera made only some parts of a percent. So, in 1900 the meeting of Odessa Hahnemann Society was devoted to the measures of fight against typhoid. Homoeopathic treatment was repeatedly used during the epidemics of diphtheria.

Books and brochures on homoeopathy of foreign and native authors were accessible in the Board of the Society and pharmacy: “Critical etude about homoeopathy” by A. Sperling, “Homoeopathic pharmacology” (1896); “ Treatment of the eye diseases” by D-r Moss (1990; both were translated by I.M. Lutsenko); works by I.M. Lutsenko “Why we have so few doctors-homoeopaths” (1896); “To the characteristic of our opponents” (1897); “Measles and its treatment”, “To the issue of a homoeopathic pharmacopoeia” (1899); “Diphtheria and its treatment”, “Scarlet fever and its treatment”, "Piles and its treatment”, “Typhoid” (1900); “Role of high temperature in diseases and whether it is necessary to lower it” (1901); “What do we need? (to the congress of homoeopaths)” (1902); “Malaria” (1903) by D-r M.A. Rzhanitsin.

Since the mid 90s (1896) a homoeopath Osip (Iosif) Pavlovich Lenskiy (1824-1903) lived and worked in Odessa, who also became the full member of OOHF. He graduated from the medical faculty of Emperor's Saint Vladimir University in Kiev in 1852. Greater part of his medical activity was spent in Petersburg, but because of his health condition, he moved to Odessa, where he practiced till the end of his life. In 1901 the doctor Nikolay Rudinskiy moved to Odessa to work. There was constant rotation of private doctors-homoeopaths and among the members of medical department of the Society. Thus, M.A. Rzhanitsin (1858-1907), who did a lot for development of homoeopathy in Odessa, moved to practice to Uman (now the Cherkassy region), and then in Tiflis. Doctor Nikolay Skaryatin working at the out-patient clinic of Hahnemann Society together with I.M. Lutsenko, also left Odessa in 1900. Another employee of the out-patient clinic, doctor Dmitriy Okinchits, died in 1900. The members of the Boyanusov family, famous in the homoeopathic world moved a lot too, all of them were private practicing homoeopaths.

However, in spite of considerable donations of doctors, pharmacists and civilians, the budget deficit of Odessa Hahnemann Society increased with years. It was connected both with opening of new subdivisions (for example, second out-patient clinic in Stepovaya street, 48, chemical-bacteriological laboratory in 1901, and pharmacy) and with publishing activity, as well as disagreements growing among the members of the Society concerning the methods of work.

A homoeopathic pharmacy at the corner of Khersonskaya and Dvoryanskaya streets, house 48 was opened in 1898. The pharmacy had 1384 names of medications and produced 7 types of medicine chests: portable, pocket, closets-medicine chests for enterprises, specialized (for treatment of piles, angina pectoris and croup, stomach, cholera, toothache, pox, rheumatism, whooping-cough, diphtheria, and for the voyages), road ones on a strap, complete medicine chests by domestic medicinal reference book of D-r K. Miller consisting of 150 remedies, medicine chests for treatment of animals. The remedies were made by Shwabe method. The manager of a pharmacy was a pharmacist chemist, the member of Odessa Hahnemann Society David Afanasjevich Leybenzon. During the period from 1899 to 1903 the pharmacy sold remedies and medicine chests for 23882 roubles, and published literature for 816 roubles. The pharmacy issued a price-list-catalogue which included the following sections:

1. General diseases and remedies against them.
2. The main homoeopathic medications with indication of illnesses they are applied in.
3. The Catalogue of homoeopathic books in Russian, Polish, French, German, English, Swedish, and Dutch languages.
4. Brief and useful indications of treatment of some illnesses in absence of a homoeopath.

Vladislav Korotkevich began to head the pharmacy in 1904 .
In 1900 “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”, edited by D-r Dyukov was founded in Kharkov. Since January, 1903 the edition of the journal passed to Odessa Hahnemann Society. The journal was issued monthly, by books from 2 to 3 quires, by the following program: 1. Articles of leading and general character; 2. pharmacodynamics; 3. Therapy; 4. Criticism and bibliography; 5. Correspondence; 6. Chronicle and mixture; 7. List of books and editions received by the editors; 8.Announcements.

The representatives of medical department of Odessa Hahnemann Society - doctors I.M. Lutsenko, M.A. Rzhanitsin published their works in “Bulletin of Homoeopathic Medicine” in 1903-04: translations of “Essays of clinical pharmacology” of Nesh; D-r Fr. Gisewius lecture “Scrofula”; “Essays of clinical pharmacology” of E. Farrington; “Reference book of a homoeopath” of D-r Clark; a lecture by D-r Waddel “Silver and Gold” (psychological portraits); articles written specially for the journal by foreign authors (von Villers from Drezden; R. Cooper from London; A. Gaup, Hemnits). Basic directions of development of homoeopathy and organizational issues were discussed on the pages of the edition. Of interest were a lecture about the method of homoeopathy “Elixir of beauty and youth” by I.M. Lutsenko; the material “To the forthcoming congress (about organization of lectures about homoeopathy)” by I.M. Lutsenko. The following materials were published for the discussion: Project of a new Chemist Regulation and appendix to the item 1. “Rule of homoeopathic remedy trade”; a hypothesis of prof. Erlikh on homoeopathy; “There is force in the unity” by I.M Lutsenko; a lecture of the head physician of the St. Archangel Mikhail Homoeopathic Hospital V.V. Solovjev “Modern position of homoeopathy”; “Properties of living organism” by M. Matt (translation of I.M. Lutsenko).

The section “Chronicle and a mixture” published the reports about activity of homoeopathic societies in St.Petersburg, Kharkov, Chernigov; about opening of a new Society in Tiflis; information about the highest rewards given to the doctors-homoeopaths, correspondence with foreign societies; about the journey of D-r Dyukov abroad; about the journey of D-r Rzhanitsin in Tiflis; obituary of D-r Osip Lenskiy, one of the eldest Russians of homoeopaths, student of D-r Beck (the doctor of the countess Narishkina), practicing in Odessa since 1896. There was funny information about the returning of D-r A.P. Zelenkov in Kiev after temporary absence, who had two homoeopathic pharmacies in 1904, but did not have a homoeopath.

Later, since 1906, edition of the journal in Odessa had to be stopped due to arising difficulties and because of the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war; it was renewed only in 1909 in Horol, and then in Kiev.

In the period from 1906 to 1908 Odessa Society of homoeopathy followers gradually ceased its work. Odessa Hahnemann Society, in spite of budget deficit (for example, in 1904, it was 380 roubles) continued its activity.

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