Odessa grains or globuli in Odessa.


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Гомеопатия и гомеопатическая аптека в Одессе Homeopathy and Homeopathic Pharmacy in Odessa
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The brightest and richest (in both lectures and cultural program) professional measures of the Congresses allowed Scientific-medical homoeopathic Society of Odessa region to have found a lot of friends for seven years (we dare to hope that it is mutual).

They began first, in 1998, under the drops of unexpected for Odessa Indian summer rain, and already since 1999, and further, by 2002, the clouds were fully dispersed over a homoeopathic situation in Ukraine. The Second-Fourth Congresses, besides other cultural measures, were marked by the voyages. And there was always a lot of good and different music.

Every forum publishes new professional literature, reprints of old editions on homoeopathy, the next volume of “Ukrainian homoeopathic annual”.

The Fifth, anniversary, Congress of 2002, passed without taking a breath and was also marked by many excursions, bathing in an aquapark «Poseydon», by a banquet on the 19th floor of the hotel “Campinsky-Odessa”. The woman Competition «Mrs Pellet», with the real crowns and prizes became a decoration of the cultural program of the Fifth Congress, and video cassettes of the competition became very popular not only among the homoeopaths.

The last, 7th Congress, collected a large number of old friends, new participants and guests. The scientific programme of the forum was more reserved, without modernistic trends. A great number of reports, lectures, short information caused a great interest among the participants, followed by animated discussions. Moscow homoeopathic centre made a multimedia excursion around all domestic and foreign professional sites. Unlike a previous forum, the cultural programme was marked by Man competition for homoeopaths – “Mr. Pellet”, as well as a number of excursions. Traditionally, the best participants of forum and all those, who brought in a ponderable contribution to development of homoeopathy were awarded.

Now all those, who were in Odessa, or heard from eyewitnesses about our forums, do not say “As it was done in Odessa»” but say “It is really Odessa!!!”. In fact, the main virtue of our city is its habitants, who are always glad to meet the guests, and meet them not only with the stuffed fish. Although each of the colleagues from other cities accustomed, unlike other forums, to Odessa delicacies, asks: “And will the stuffed fish also be this year ?”. “Ili! (Or)”, - we answer, the hosts of the forum, and it means a great deal in Odessa (depending on intonation).


The 1st Congress and conference “Urgent problems of homoeopathic medicine” - on October, 3-4, 1998. 232 participants from 23 states.

The 2nd Congress - on October, 1-3, 1999 (devoted to the 100th anniversary of birth of Demyan Vladimirovich Popov). 178 participants from 17 states.

The 3rd Congress - on September, 29 - October, 01, 2000 ( devoted to the 110-anniversary of Odessa homoeopathic Society, 100 anniversary of “Bulletin of homoeopathic medicine”, 100-anniversary of Odessa Medical University). 180 participants from 15 states.

The 4th Congress - on September, 28-30, 2001 (in memory of Nina Dmitrievna Moskalenko). 176 participants from 14 states.

The 5th (Anniversary) Congress - on September, 27-29, 2002 (devoted to the 115-anniversary of Odessa homoeopathic pharmacy). 192 participants from 14 states. The 6th Congress (it was prepared in Odessa, and held in Kiev) - on October, 10-12, 2003 (in memory of I.M. Lutsenko) 230 participants from 17 states.

The 7th Congress - on September, 24-26, 2004 (in memory of L.E. Brazol). 154 participants from 12 countries.

The 8th Congress (Collegium Homeopathicum) - on September, 23-25, 2005 (it was devoted to the 250-anniversary of S. Hahnemann).


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